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*Fotografija je delo autorke Shirin Neshat

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Da u ljubavi "ne bira pamet nego srce" pokazuje primer čoveka koji se posle dvanaest godina braka pokajao i sada bezuspešno pokušava da se razvede. Zadivljujuce jednostavna procedura islamskog razvoda u ovom slučaju izgleda ne pali, jer dotični nije baš previše razmišljao kada je, iz čiste ljubavi, oženio jinn.

A Saudi man who says he is unhappily married to a queen from the spirit realm has arrived in Damascus, seeking help with divorce proceedings.

Hani Hind, a 36-year-old from Riyadh, insists he has been in a relationship with a powerful ghost – known as a jinn in the Islamic world – for more than a decade. But, upset that he has only been able to physically meet her on three occasions, he is seeking a final separation.

“She is very beautiful and generally polite with strangers,” Hind told Emirates Today at a friend’s house in the Syrian capital.

“I’m suffering though and feel wretched. I want to marry a human woman but can’t because of her – she’s got a very jealous nature and has threatened to hurt any human that I marry.” His misery has been com pounded because, he says, one of his two conjugal meetings with his wife, named Sarahoo, left her pregnant with a jinn child whom she insists he will never see.

Dakle, standardna priča; zaljubio se i oženio mlad, par puta se seksali, napravio joj dete, posle se nisu baš našli na duhovnom nivou, ona ljubomorna, ne da mu da viđa dete, ne da mu ni da ode a opet neće više da se seksa... potpuno ga razumem. Čovek video da je ona nerazumna, potražio pomoć stručnjaka koji, eto za sada, još nisu uspeli da je urazume:

He arrived in Syria less than three weeks after being invited by London-based Islamic scholar Sheikh Abdel Amir Houeidi, who is currently in Damascus.

“I spoke to the jinn and she said she loved Hani and would never leave him,” Sheikh Houeidi told Emirates Today. “To test if the jinn was real, I asked her about my sons and she described them very well.

“Such a marriage between a human and a jinn is quite rare, but not unheard off. Male jinn sometimes marry female humans,” the scholar added.

Sheikh Houeidi pledged to complete the spiritual disentanglement. “We can get rid of the jinn, but to do this we’ll need the help of another jinn that is more powerful than her.

“We’ll do this with a special ritual, Al Jelsa Rohanea (Meeting for souls). It may take two or three Jelsa to get rid of the jinn because she is a queen.” Emirates Today was invited to a jinn ritual in Damascus and agreed to attend after assurances the jinn did not pose a threat.

Sheikh Houeidi explained: “Jinn are not dangerous as long as they are Muslims. Non-Muslim jinn, jinn that do not believe in God, are very dangerous. A Muslim jinn will never hurt a person.” After saying prayers, a specialist in jinn-related affairs covered Hind’s face and put him into a trance.

Vidiš, ovo mi je baš bilo zanimljivo. Muslimanima je dozvoljeno da, pored muslimanki, ožene hrišćanke i jevrejke jer i one veruju u Boga, koji je btw. jedan, pa je njihovo preobraćenje u islam valjda lakše. Ostale religije su nepriznate i, zapravo, potpuno negirane. Jinn-ke, s' druge stane, koje nisu muslimanke nisu baš pogodne za brak jer mogu da budu nezgodne. To se jasno vidi na primeru Jadis the White Witch, koja izgleda sjajno ali ima lošu narav, a samo je pola jinn po poreklu i ne zna se koje je veroispovesti.

Hind confessed he has doubted his own sanity during the 12-year marriage – especially as paying Islamic magicians along the way has driven him to the brink of bankruptcy.

“I lie awake at night and ask what’s happening to me,” he said. “In Saudi Arabia, I was told I should see a psychiatrist because they thought I had mental health problems.

“Sometimes I listen to my friends and believe I must just be crazy. But I know it’s true and so do other people. I used to be happy and healthy and there have been good times in the marriage, but I can’t take any more.”

Ovaj će, iako je birao srcem a ne glavom, da završi k'o Vasa Ladački. Čovek jednostavno nikada nije dovoljno pametan prilikom ženidbe...